Books To Help Your Child Transition Into School
Starting school is a major milestone for both you and your child, and reading books about what to expect can be a great way to make this transition easier. Read on as we share five fun books children will love.
Tips For Talking To Educators At Parent Teacher Interviews
Parent Teacher Interviews provide a valuable one on one opportunity to discuss your child’s learning and development progress in relation to emotional development, social connectivity, foundational learning, and physical health and wellbeing. To make the most of these meetings, we recommend to approach them with preparation and a positive attitude. Here are some tips to help you communicate effectively with educators during Parent Teacher Interviews.
Get to know your National Quality Standards – Series 5
Welcome to the fifth instalment of our National Quality Standards seven-part series, where we provide an in-depth look into the seven quality areas benchmarked against the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) standards.
Supporting Your Child’s Progression To Big School
With Graduation done and dusted, you and your child may be nervous about the transition into Big School. Here are five tips to support your child with this significant milestone and set them up for success.
How We Transition Your Child To A New Room
Transitions can be challenging for some children, so Affinity Education Group has developed a process that ensures your child transitions smoothly into their next classroom.
Early Education: Navigating the First Weeks
Many researchers suggested that it can take up to 6 months to settle an infant into an Early Childhood setting! Click here to explore what behaviours your child may exhibit and how to ease this transition with our Healthy Beginning Educators!
Get to know your National Quality Standards – Series 4
Qualified and experienced educators, who develop warm, respectful relationships with children, create predictable environments and encourage children’s active engagement in the learning program.
Learning with Dr. Lesley Jones: New Year New Rooms
This month we welcome many children and families to our Centres for the first time. We also welcome back the many thousands of children who will be transitioning into new rooms, and are part of our Affinity Education family.
As we begin 2024, we would like to share with you more information about our Lifelong Learning Curriculum, which is the cornerstone of how we work here at Affinity Education.
Get to know your National Quality Standards – Series 3
Welcome to the second part of our National Quality Standards seven-part series, where we provide an in-depth look into the seven quality areas benchmarked against the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) standards.
Navigating End of Year Transitions
It is natural to wonder whether infants and young children can benefit from time spent in an early childhood environment. At Affinity Education-owned centres, our Lifelong Learning Curriculum (LLC) begins as soon as your child commences their enrolment with us, regardless of age.