Discover the benefits of Sensory Play and Playdoh | Aussie Kindies child care centre

8 Ways Playdoh Benefits Toddler Development

Playdoh provides a fun and engaging way for toddlers and young children to explore, create, and learn across multiple domains of development. Its versatility, sensory appeal, and open-ended nature make it a valuable addition to early childhood play and education. Here we share eight ways toddlers benefit from playing with playdoh, plus a recipe to make your own playdoh at home.

Discover the benefits of Sensory Play and Playdoh | Aussie Kindies child care centre

Embarking on a Sensory Play Journey: Nurturing Toddler Development Through Play 

During the toddler stage, children are like little scientists, eagerly exploring their surroundings and trying to make sense of the world around them. One of the most effective ways they do this is through Sensory Play. Sensory play not only captivates their imagination but also supports cognitive and sensory development while enhancing creativity and problem-solving abilities.

Using Research To Meet Your Child’s Developmental Needs

The Lifelong Learning Curriculum was developed through extensive study of how children learn, what they learn and where they learn. At the Early Experiences age, research shows that children are learning to express themselves through oral language.

Improving Language and Thinking Skills in Infants; A Data Informed Approach

Language and cognition are deeply intertwined, shaping and influencing one another throughout the developmental journey. As infants begin to acquire language skills, their progress is marked by significant cognitive advancements.

This Year’s Top 5 Most Captivating Reads

These top 5 blogs have captured hearts and minds, providing a treasure trove of knowledge and inspiration for parents, educators, and anyone passionate about the growth and well-being of our youngest learners. Join us in celebrating the year’s most-read blogs.

Guiding your Toddlers Future Behaviours and Relationships

When children reach the Toddler stage, their confidence blooms as they know you are there to catch them if they fall.

Why Friendships Before ‘Big School’ Are So Important

Research continues to highlight the importance of the first five years of a child’s life as the most critical period in the life span for brain development (Fox & Geddes, 2016). The richness and quality of early experiences during this critical time have lifelong impacts on future trajectories at school and beyond (OECD 2016).

10 Things to do when it’s wet with your little ones!

Entertaining children when it’s wet outside, can be difficult for an excitable and energetic child, and our Early Childcare Centres know all too well what it means when the grey clouds roll in.

Sensory Play: Nurturing your child’s early development

Sensory play, messy play or creative play are just some of the terms used to describe a lot of fun!

Easing Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is common in young children, it occurs when children are feeling nervous about being away from their parents or carers. Read this article as we unpack what separation anxiety may look like for them, and how you can help them develop self-regulation.