How Child Care Centres Ensure Hygiene and Cleanliness for Your Child’s Health

At Aussie Kindies, we place your child’s health and wellbeing at the heart of everything we do. A clean and hygienic environment is key to ensuring children can learn, play, and grow safely. We follow best practices in hygiene to reduce the risk of illness and create a healthy atmosphere for both children and staff.

From regular handwashing to thorough disinfecting of toys and surfaces, our centres prioritise cleanliness in every part of the day. In this post, we’ll explore our hygiene practices, how we manage illness outbreaks, and how we keep parents informed on health matters.

Handwashing: A Key to Preventing the Spread of Illness

One of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of germs and illness is through regular handwashing. At Aussie Kindies, we teach children to wash their hands frequently throughout the day, with stations conveniently located throughout our centres. Children are encouraged to wash their hands before meals, after using the bathroom, and after outdoor play.

We follow Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) guidelines, which recommend washing hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. This simple yet powerful practice helps reduce the spread of infections.

Tip for Parents: Encourage your child to wash their hands at home by making it a fun activity. You can sing a 20-second song like "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" to help reinforce the habit of proper handwashing.

Toy Sanitation and Cleaning Routines

Children love to explore their world through play, which means toys and learning materials are used constantly throughout the day. To prevent the spread of germs, our centres have strict cleaning and sanitising protocols. At the end of each day, all toys, furniture, and play equipment are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.

Shared toys, such as blocks or art supplies, are sanitised frequently throughout the day. Soft toys are laundered regularly to maintain cleanliness. We use child-safe cleaning products that meet national health standards to ensure that our cleaning agents are both effective and safe for children.

Handling Illness and Outbreaks

Despite our best efforts, illnesses can still occur in child care settings. When an outbreak happens, we take immediate action to reduce the impact and stop the spread of illness.

Our outbreak management procedures include:

  • Following exclusion guidelines: Where children present with symptoms of illness or are diagnosed with illness, we follow exclusion guidelines as outlined in NHMRC Staying Healthy until children are well to return to care.
  • Enhanced cleaning protocols: During outbreaks, we increase the frequency of cleaning, particularly in high-touch areas such as door handles, tables, and toys.
  • Communication with parents: We quickly notify parents about the situation, providing clear information about the nature of the illness and any additional steps being taken to maintain a safe environment.

Tip for Parents: If your child is unwell, it’s important to keep them home to help prevent the spread of illness. Be sure to notify the centre about any symptoms so that we can take the appropriate steps to ensure the safety of other children.

Communication with Families

Clear communication with families is a cornerstone of our health and safety practices at Aussie Kindies. We use a combination of email updates and parent communication apps to keep families informed about any health concerns, new hygiene practices, or important updates.

In the case of an illness outbreak, parents are notified immediately, and we provide information on how to protect their children and family members from getting sick.

For more information on handwashing best practices and illness prevention, visit the NHMRC guidelines.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

We follow strict hygiene protocols, including regular handwashing, daily cleaning and disinfecting of toys and surfaces, and frequent sanitisation of high-touch areas. Our staff ensure these protocols are followed consistently to keep the environment safe for children.

In the event of an outbreak, we isolate any sick children, follow enhanced cleaning protocols, and communicate promptly with parents to provide updates on the situation and health advice.

Toys, furniture, and play equipment are cleaned and disinfected daily, with shared items sanitised more frequently throughout the day. Soft toys are laundered regularly to maintain cleanliness.

We teach children the importance of hygiene through fun and interactive activities, such as proper handwashing techniques and discussions about germs. These lessons help children understand why cleanliness is important for keeping everyone healthy.

We Take Hygiene and Cleanliness Seriously

At Aussie Kindies, we take hygiene and cleanliness seriously to ensure your child’s health and safety. Our centres follow strict handwashing routines, toy sanitation protocols, and enhanced cleaning procedures to maintain a healthy environment. By working together with parents and maintaining open communication, we create a safe space where children can thrive.

For more information on our hygiene practices, or if you have any concerns, feel free to reach out to your centre manager.

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